What is primary and secondary market research?

This blog is for those who would like to understand the types of market research. Market research can be primary or secondary research in nature Let’s take an example to understand these approaches. Suppose, you are planning to buy a new mobile. How do you go about it? You check online for new launches. You seek opinions from your friends. […]

Trends in Primary Market Research – 2021

The blog is for those interested in understanding the performance of primary market research majors like Nielsen, Kantar, and Ipsos in 2020 and the trends post COVID’19. COVID’19 had a great impact on the business and the manner in which business will be conducted in the future. Let’s understand the performance of primary market research majors like Nielsen, Kantar, and […]

Rules for conducting primary market research in India

Planning to conduct a primary market research study in India and are confused about how to conduct it? What are the things to keep in mind while conducting market research in India? Are you finding issues with your data due to the under-representation of sample coverage? In my market research career, I have received requests for a proposal (RFQ) for […]