What is market research?

Market research is used in multiple contexts. Are you aware of the various facets of market research? Read this article to know more about market research. This article will be useful for marketers, market research enthusiast, those looking to increase their awareness about this topic Marketing Introduction Market research is a term that is used very loosely. The role of […]

Trends in Primary Market Research – 2021

The blog is for those interested in understanding the performance of primary market research majors like Nielsen, Kantar, and Ipsos in 2020 and the trends post COVID’19. COVID’19 had a great impact on the business and the manner in which business will be conducted in the future. Let’s understand the performance of primary market research majors like Nielsen, Kantar, and […]

FCB Model Framework and COVID impact

The FCB model framework has been used by media strategists in their marketing and advertising strategies. COVID has changed the media landscape and also some of the traditional methods of marketing. Let us have a look at the FCB model framework and the expected changes in marketing strategies. The micro model of marketing communications focuses on consumers’ specific responses to communications. […]

How effective is your trade marketing strategy?

Is your trade marketing strategy as you intended it to be? Are you able to call the shots or are dealers working on their terms? Trade marketing strategies need to be reviewed at regular intervals.  It is essential to monitor the growth of your channel partners and leverage their knowledge. The article is for manufacturers/sellers of products that use Channel […]

Marketing moves from traditional to digital

What is the difference between Traditional and Digital Marketing? How is Marketing Funnel in Digital marketing? What is Integrated Digital Marketing? Personal branding in the context of Digital marketing… A brief overview This article will be useful for bloggers, professionals, freelancers, mentors and entrepreneurs Why marketing is important? In a grocery retail store, we have various products. The store sells […]

Buyer Persona – Key to Success

Is your advertisement/communication for everyone? If yes, you are wasting your resources. Strategize your marketing efforts to attract the right audience.  Marketing lays great emphasis on Buyer persona … to reach out to the right audience. Know more about Buyer persona. Buyer Persona Introduction to Ideal Customer When an organization starts a business, they have an imaginary buyer in their […]